Oversight on investment portfolios : We provide oversight on the entire set of investment activities that our clients undertake with various wealth managers. Specifically, this includes managing cash projections, failing trades, pending & past due transactions, dividends etc. We monitor custody operations & trade settlements, we conduct regular service reviews and provide monthly audited financial information. In addition, we also record keep 'assets not held'. While doing all of this, we code and narrate transactions to the preference of our clients. 

Consolidated reporting : This is one of the most important parts of our offering. We understand our clients have investments in multiple asset classes, investment managers, jurisdictions, currencies and custodians. We also recognise that clients want to know how or where their investments are held and how are they performing individually as well as collectively. Our consolidated reporting offering plays a crucial role in satisfying these requirements by reducing the burden of consolidation of information on the client. It allows for the incorporation of investments held elsewhere and also gives the client full control over the reporting format. It works as a single source of information that is customisable to adapt it to changing needs!


We are sure that now you would like to know how do we do all that is mentioned above! We will tell you in the section 'Our Approach'.